The First Presbyterian Church of Ashland welcomes and affirms the entire human family. We are committed to Christ's sacred hospitality, inviting people of all races, ages, genders, sexual orientations, and mental and physical conditions to join us. Through Christ's grace, we are dedicated to doing justice, loving kindness, and walking humbly with God.
Our congregation honors the fact that the land you are standing on is the ancestral homeland of the Shasta, Takelma, and Latgawa peoples, displaced in the 1850s by colonization and warfare and removed to reservations.
Please join us in person (masks are now optional). We have an 8 am service in the Heritage Chapel and a 10 am service in the sanctuary. If you joined us for the in-person 10 am service, you are invited to join us for fellowship in Calvin Hall following the service.
If you are more comfortable watching from home, please click on the button at the top to join us for our 10 am virtual worship service on YouTube.
If you joined us digitally, click on the button above after the 10 am worship service for virtual fellowship. The passcode is fellowship.
Virtual Fellowship Pad
If you are joining us online, please fill out the form below to let us know.
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Online Form Placeholder Box
Chosen Form: Online Chat
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First Time Visitors
If this is your first time visiting us, (or you have been watching, but never come in person) please fill out the form and we will send you a jar of homemade jam.
8120*_*First Time Visitors
Online Form Placeholder Box
Chosen Form: First Time Visitors
When you view the live version of this page, you will see a form in place of this box. Double-click on this placeholder box to change which form displays. To remove this form from the page, select this box and hit the delete key.
Electronic Giving
We can accept your pledges online with PayPal Giving Fund. Just click on the button below to be taken to the PayPal Giving Fund page which will allow you to make your monthly pledges manually (donations are deposited to the church on or before the 25th of the following month).
If you wish to make recurring payments with lower fees, click on the link below to set that up.
Book sStudy
Join us as we study Leslie D. Weatherhead's classic book, The Will of God. This five-week class will be offered after both services on Sunday mornings, March 23rd and 30th. For those who feel led, please join this group after the book study to pray for God’s will in our church.
Join Us on Facebook
Community help available
FPC has overnight parking spots available through the city's Safe Parking Program for those who are experiencing homelessness. You may request a spot by calling the OHRA Community Resource Center at 541-631-2235.
Our Little Free Pantry is located on Clark Ave. near the steps to the parking lot. Feel free to leave non-perishable food for others—or take what you need. If you live in the area, you may also visit the Ashland Emergency Food Bank on Clover Lane.
Our church office can help you in an emergency with bus tokens, gas money, or snack vouchers during office hours. If funds run low, a note is posted on the office door.
If you have medical questions about COVID, Dr. John Sager is available to answer your questions by email (jsag03@gmail.com). You don't need to be a patient of his, and the advice is free of charge.